ZERO – Beyond Procurement

Start your journey to net zero with ZERO

Certified, 12 month support programme to become carbon neutral and create a Net Zero Strategic Report and Action Plan. Be guided by our carbon consultants every step of the way.

book a free 15 minute consultation

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Get started
on Your Journey to Net Zero

Follow the seven step net zero roadmap to have your carbon footprint measured using a business carbon calculator, receive marketing support from net zero consultants and become carbon neutral. From here, it’s only a matter of time for you to achieve Net Zero.


Pledge to begin your journey

Making a pledge to begin your journey to net zero business is important because it will show you are serious about the goal. Our net zero carbon consultants will also provide focus and help you to motivate and foster team buy-in and assistance for the task ahead. A great press and social media opportunity too!

Creating a bespoke
Net Zero journey for your business


Measure your current carbon footprint

Measuring your current carbon footprint with our business carbon calculator gives you an understanding of the amount of carbon you currently produce. This will be given as a figure in tons of carbon. It also gives you the opportunity to benchmark your footprint against other businesses of your type.


Create a net zero strategic plan and quick wins

Creating a strategy and quick wins will address the main opportunities and issues that prevent you from achieving a net zero outcome. Your quick wins will be the things that prepare you to embark on the journey of becoming one of the leading carbon neutral companies, like taking meter readings and gather company data.

On average, our
clients save £3,236


Take the actions agreed

Taking the actions agreed in the net zero strategy is simply a case of following the checklist you itemised with your Carbon Consultant, who you can always call to answer queries and help you overcome barriers and get your Carbon neutral certification.


Review and refine your activities

It’s very important to review and refine your activities regularly to reflect the realities of your current situation and what you expect to achieve. Considering your options and scenario planning is all part of the journey and the role of a Net Zero Champion.

On average, our clients reduce their
carbon emissions by 35.67 tonnes.


Calculate your carbon reduction

We will enter your latest data into the net zero business carbon calculator to remeasure your emissions and calculate your carbon reduction in tons of CO2e. This is also a good opportunity to summarise other changes and efficiencies that should have developed in the business, such as brand value and become PAS 2060 verified.


Celebrate your success

When your carbon footprint is remeasured and a carbon reduction is found, it is possible to offset any residual carbon via verified offsetting schemes to become ‘carbon neutral’. Offsetting should only be considered until such time that carbon removal becomes possible. As you continue to remove carbon and make it beyond zero, your requirement for offsetting will continue to diminish. It will also fulfil your dream of becoming a net zero business.

Your journey continues…

Your journey to net zero is a constant refinement of all your systems and processes with regard to carbon as well as profitability. With careful management and net zero consultancies in the UK, the ZERO model from Beyond Procurement will help you reap both benefits.

Typically, 90% of your carbon footprint comes from the Scope 3 areas of the business, such as how you serve your customers with goods and services and how you are supplied with goods and services by your supply chain. Communicating positively and encouraging partners to begin and refine their journey will directly affect your carbon footprint – we are all interconnected.

The jouney toward carbon neutral continues.

Why is Beyond Procurement a Leading Carbon Neutral Consultancy Firm in the UK?

Net Zero is a state of balance between the amount of carbon emissions produced and the amount removed from the environment. The ultimate goal is to reach a state where the net carbon emissions are zero, hence the term “Net Zero.”

Businesses play a significant role in reducing carbon emissions, and our mission is to help companies achieve this balance through our expert consultancy services. Our team of experienced carbon neutral consultants provide personalized support to businesses in their journey towards carbon neutrality.

We understand the complexities of the process and provide customized solutions to meet the specific needs of each company. Our consultancy services include a carbon footprint assessment, recommendations for emissions reduction, and assistance with certification

Becoming carbon neutral is a gradual process that requires a long-term commitment, but it is achievable with the right support. Our team of consultants will work with you every step of the way to ensure that your business reaches its carbon neutrality goals.

We use a carbon footprint calculator to help companies assess their current emissions and track their progress towards carbon neutrality. The calculator is easy to use and provides a comprehensive report of your business’s carbon footprint.

Certification is an important step towards recognizing a business’s efforts towards carbon neutrality. We assist companies in obtaining the necessary certifications, such as the Carbon Trust Standard, in demonstrating their commitment to reducing carbon emissions.

Net Zero Consultants at Beyond Procurement is here to help businesses looking forward to becoming carbon neutral. Our team of experienced consultants are dedicated to providing the support and guidance you need to reach your carbon neutrality goals. Contact us today to start your journey towards a sustainable future.

Trusted by
Businesses, Councils, Growth Hubs, BIDs & Membership Organisations

  • Tenable Screw Company
  • Euston Town BID
  • Camden Town Unlimited
  • Ashby BID
  • Greater Birmingham & Solihull
  • Kent County Council
  • the cabin logo
  • SME Climate Hub
  • HM Government
  • Locase
  • British BIDs
  • Winchester City Council Logo

Get started on your net zero journey today

From start-ups to large publicly traded companies, we work with managers and directors to help them achieve their carbon reduction goals with services to match your business journey.

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