Author: Andrew Childers
What is the Difference Between Net Zero and Carbon Neutral?
Helping businesses understand their journeys to Net Zero and Beyond
Overcoming The ‘Change Demons’ To Net Zero
There’s a wide spectrum of views about global warming and the effect we are having on the planet. At one end we have the celebrity car journalists who like nothing better than burning coal and blowing up caravans and jovially dismissing the impact us humans are having on the planet as hippie nonsense. At the other end of the spectrum, we have the likes of David Attenborough surrounded by esteem scientists who are pleading with us to limit the impact us humans are inflicting.
Carbon Neutral Procurement Policy: The Thin End Of The Wedge?
In 2019, in response to the need to limit environmental impact, the UK Government committed to reducing emissions by 100% by 2050. This is commonly known as the Net Zero Target. For this to be achieved major changes must happen especially regarding attitude towards the impact we are all having on the environment.
What Does Net Zero Mean For Businesses?
Net zero is about achieving a balance between the greenhouse gases put into the atmosphere and those taken out. By measuring the current carbon emissions of a business and working to reduce their carbon footprint, businesses can send a message to customers and the world at large that they understand their role in curbing greenhouse gases.
The 7 Steps to Hybrid Working
The lifting of lockdown controls has changed the office landscape and how many people prefer to work. It’s left company managers in a quandary about the best way forward about productivity, staff retention and their desire to journey towards a net zero business model. Maybe flexible or hybrid working is the answer?
Revealed: Our Secret Weapons To Cutting Business Cost!
We recently launched our ‘Grand Day Out Summer Challenge‘ to find customers £1000 in cost savings in a single day, while they did nothing except maybe take a trip to the coast! Customers asked “How on earth did you do that”? So here’s the big reveal! The two secret weapons to cut business costs and rocket propel us ahead of the competition are:
7 Key Tasks For A Leaner, Smarter Business
With the shift back to office working, here’s how you become a more efficient, leaner and smarter business. Over the past 14 years, we’ve helped over 10,000 customers identify £32 million worth of savings by comparing their overhead bills against trusted, reputable brands.
The UK’s Lowest Price Low Carbon Energy
It used to be a stark choice – cut your carbon footprint and pay over the odds or take the lowest price and don’t ask how it’s produced. Meercat have been in the energy market for over 14 years and now have the market-leading pricing solution for low carbon energy.
Save £1000 In A Day With Our ‘Grand Day Out’ Summer Challenge!
Challenge us to save you £1000 in a single day, while you put your feet up or take a trip to the coast. You never know, we may save you more!