Morgan Jones

Morgan Jones is a well-established Recruitment Company that assists individuals on their journey for a new career.

The Problem

Being at the heart of their community’s interests, Morgan Jones wanted to satisfy not only their business needs but also their client’s wants. However, going towards net zero can be a complicated journey without expert assistance.

Solution and Outcome

Beyond Procurement understands the drive towards Net Zero is often driven by a company’s stakeholders and supply chain. Morgan Jones, being in the public eye for recruitment, wanted to pledge to a journey towards net zero and thus hired Beyond Procurement to analyse their Scope 1 and 2 emissions.

Their report generated a very small carbon footprint, however, they still wanted to do more. They are going to look into a salary sacrifice scheme for EVs and are already reducing waste within the office by supplying their employees with sustainable equipment. Moving forward, Morgan Jones will be analysing their supply chain to determine the environmental actions their suppliers are taking.

Beyond Procurement can help your organization achieve similar breakthrough results. Book a free consultation to get started.

Beyond Procurement can help your organization achieve similar breakthrough results. Book a free consultation to get started.