productivity – Beyond Procurement

There’s a wide spectrum of views about global warming and the effect we are having on the planet. At one end we have the celebrity car journalists who like nothing better than burning coal and blowing up caravans and jovially dismissing the impact us humans are having on the planet as hippie nonsense. At the other end of the spectrum, we have the likes of David Attenborough surrounded by esteem scientists who are pleading with us to limit the impact us humans are inflicting.

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Get started on your net zero journey today

From start-ups to large publicly traded companies, we work with managers and directors to help them achieve their carbon reduction goals with services to match your business journey.

beyond procurement kite

The lifting of lockdown controls has changed the office landscape and how many people prefer to work. It’s left company managers in a quandary about the best way forward about productivity, staff retention and their desire to journey towards a net zero business model. Maybe flexible or hybrid working is the answer?