Beyond 2030 – Beyond Procurement


Beyond2030 is a full-service model, encompassing everything your business needs in your journey towards Net Zero, measuring, strategising and supporting you across all three scopes of emissions.

Beyond2030 is the only model on the market offering a fully supported, retained carbon reduction service that is focussed on continually improving your commercial and financial operations.

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Why Beyond Procurement is Your Sustainable Success Partner

[embed][/embed] The path to Net Zero can feel daunting, shrouded in complex regulations, hidden costs, and fragmented solutions. At Beyond Procurement, we believe achieving sustainability shouldn't break the bank or leave you navigating alone. That's why we offer Beyond2030, the revolutionary low-cost monthly retainer model designed to simplify your journey, every step of the way.

Avoid large upfront costs: Forget exorbitant, upfront fees that cripple your budget before you even begin. Beyond2030 lets you access our comprehensive suite of services for a predictable monthly fee, providing ongoing support continually offset by ongoing savings.

Holistic Expertise at Your Fingertips: Think of us as your one-stop shop for Net Zero success. We’re not just carbon calculators; we’re your Carbon Coaches, walking alongside you from initial assessment to final Net Zero certification. Our services encompass:

  • Carbon footprinting and reduction strategies: We analyse your current emissions and pinpoint actionable areas for improvement, developing a data-driven roadmap to reduction.
  • Supply chain optimisation: We delve into your procurement practices, identifying sustainable suppliers and opportunities for eco-friendly sourcing.
  • Cost reduction opportunities: While collecting data for carbon measurement, our procurement team will audit your commercial arrangements and advise on cost saving opportunities.
  • Resource efficiency upgrades: From energy audits to waste reduction plans, we help you optimise resource utilisation and minimize environmental impact.
  • Green procurement strategies: We empower your purchase decisions with sustainability in mind, building resilience and value throughout your supply chain.
  • Change management and employee engagement: We foster a culture of environmental awareness within your organisation, ensuring everyone is invested in the Net Zero journey.
  • Grant funding and incentive expertise: We navigate the complex landscape of carbon reduction grants and incentives, maximizing your financial advantage.
  • Carbon neutrality certification support: We guide you through the certification process, ensuring smooth sailing towards your Net Zero goals.

Beyond2030: A Partnership, Not a Transaction: Forget impersonal consultants disappearing after delivering reports. We are your dedicated Carbon Coaches, staying with you every step of the way. We answer your questions, celebrate your milestones, and tackle challenges together. You’re not just a client; you’re part of our sustainability family.

Beyond2030 is more than just a service; it’s a commitment to your success. We believe in making Net Zero attainable for every business, regardless of size or budget.

Remember, achieving Net Zero isn’t about going it alone. It’s about finding the right partner, one who offers expert guidance, unwavering support, and a clear path to success. Choose Beyond Procurement. Choose Beyond2030. Choose a sustainable future, together.


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