Code of Conduct – Beyond Procurement

Code of Conduct

This code of conduct ensures that you are going to be treated in an honest and professional manner and any charges or commissions earned are fair and transparent for the work that is undertaken on your behalf.

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Beyond Procurement agrees that they will not charge fees across any suppliers that are included in any tender that they run for a buyer. They do not favour any supplier. Beyond Procurement must declare all commissions paid by the supplier if requested.

Staff Training and Sales
Beyond Procurement must demonstrate that all staff have gone through a robust recruitment and training process.
Any sales material will be written clearly and be honest and accurate.
Beyond Procurement agrees to not use misleading sales tactics or exploit a person’s inexperience and will treat all clients with sensitivity and respect.
Beyond Procurement won’t use high-pressure sales techniques or mislead you into doing anything until you are 100% ready and confident to do so.

Relevant laws and regulations
As well as this code, Beyond Procurement will adhere to Supply License Condition 7a (appendix 1), Ofgem’s Standards of conduct, Data protection Act, Business Protection Regulations and Employment law.
Beyond Procurement will always have authority to deal with your data, either via a signed letter of authority or recorded verbal agreement in place with you.

Energy supplier’s contracts
Before you sign anything with an energy supplier, Beyond Procurement will make sure you understand what you’re signing and the implications of signing it. The same applies to verbally agreeing to a contract over the phone.
If the contract is rejected; if there is any issue with the new contract, we’ll let you know straight away and work with you to resolve the issue.
We hope that complaints never happen, but if you do wish to raise any issues, Beyond Procurement Ltd have a simple and effective system for handling complaints: Complaints should be directed to the Head of Beyond Procurement Ltd, Crispin Sykes,, who will ensure it is dealt with quickly and a resolution is reached. If the complaint needs to be escalated further contact the company CEO, Andrew Childers,
At least once a year we will undergo a full audit to make sure Beyond Procurement are adhering to the code.

Breaches and sanctions
If Beyond Procurement or any employees of Beyond Procurement fails to comply with the code of conduct, it will be treated as a breach. In minor cases, such as administrative mistakes, written warnings will be issued with improvement notices for additional controls.
If systematic, or major breaches are discovered Beyond Procurement could be banned from receiving prices or entering into supply contracts, or in the worst cases be reported to the authorities.

Appendix 1: ref: Ofgen’s Standard conditions of electricity supply licence

Identification and treatment of Micro Business Consumers
7A.1 If the licensee intends to:
(a) enter into a Non-Domestic Supply Contract with a Customer; or
(b) extend the duration of a Non-Domestic Supply Contract (including the duration of any fixed term period which may form part of a Contract of an indefinite length) the licensee must either take all reasonable steps to identify whether that Non-Domestic Customer is a Micro Business Consumer, or deem that Non-Domestic Customer to be a Micro Business Consumer.

7A.2 Where any Contract or Contract extension as described in paragraph 7A.1 is entered into with a Non-Domestic Customer that has been identified as, or deemed to be, a Micro Business Consumer, that Contract shall be a “Micro Business Consumer Contract” for the purposes of this Condition.

7A.3 The licensee must not include a term in a Micro Business Consumer Contract which enables it to terminate the Contract or apply different terms and conditions to that Contract during a fixed term period on the grounds that the Customer no longer satisfies the definition of Micro Business Consumer.

Notification of Micro Business Consumer Contract terms & other information
7A.4 Before the licensee enters into a Micro Business Consumer Contract, it must take all reasonable steps to bring the following information to the attention of the Micro Business Consumer and ensure that the information is communicated in plain and intelligible language:
(a) a statement to the effect that the licensee is seeking to enter into a legally binding Contract with the Micro Business Consumer; and
(b) the Principal Terms of the proposed Contract.

7A.5 The licensee must ensure that all the express terms and conditions of a Micro Business Consumer Contract are:
(a) set out in Writing; and
(b) drafted in plain and intelligible language.

7A.6 Where the licensee enters into, or extends the duration of, a Micro Business Consumer Contract for a fixed term period, it must prepare a statement (hereafter referred to as a “Statement of Renewal Terms”) which: 62 Note: Consolidated conditions are not formal Public Register documents and should not be relied on. Electricity suppliers Licence: Standard Conditions – Consolidated to 30 September 2020
(a) is set out in Writing;
(b) is drafted in plain and intelligible language;
(c) displays the following information in a prominent manner:
(i) the date the fixed term period is due to end, or if that date is not ascertainable the duration of the fixed term period;
(ii) the Relevant Date, or if not known at the time of providing the Statement of Renewal Terms, a description of how the Relevant Date will be calculated by reference to the end of the fixed term period;
(iii) (if applicable) a statement to the effect that the Micro Business Consumer may send a notification in Writing to the licensee at any time before the Relevant Date Date in order to terminate the Micro Business Consumer Contract with effect from the end of any fixed term period which currently applies and, where paragraph 7A.13 applies, in order to prevent the licensee from extending the duration of the Micro Business Consumer Contract for a further fixed term period;
(iv) a postal and Electronic Communication address to which the Customer may send a notification in Writing for that purpose; and
(v) a statement explaining the consequences of the Micro Business Consumer not renewing the Micro Business Consumer Contract or agreeing a new Contract before the Relevant Date.

7A.7 Where the licensee enters into or extends the duration (including the duration of any fixed term period) of a Micro Business Consumer Contract, it must take all reasonable steps to provide the Micro Business Consumer with the following information within 10 days, or do so as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter:
(a) a copy of all the express terms and conditions of the Micro Business Consumer Contract; and
(b) if the Micro Business Consumer Contract contains a fixed term period, the Statement of Renewal Terms.

7A.8 On or about 30 days before the Relevant Date, unless the licensee has already agreed a new Micro Business Consumer Contract with the Micro Business Consumer, the licensee must provide the Micro Business Consumer with:
(a) the Statement of Renewal Terms;
(b) if paragraph 7A.13 applies and subject to paragraph 7A.8(d): 63 Note: Consolidated conditions are not formal Public Register documents and should not be relied on. Electricity suppliers Licence: Standard Conditions – Consolidated to 30 September 2020
(i) a copy of the relevant Principal Terms which might apply to the Micro Business Consumer after the current fixed-term period of the Micro Business Consumer Contract ends, including in the event that the Customer does nothing and the licensee extends the duration of the Contract in accordance with paragraph 7A.13A; and
(ii) a copy of the Principal Terms which would apply after the current fixed-term period of the Micro Business Consumer Contract ends, in the event that the Customer sends (or has already sent) a notice in Writing before the Relevant Date to prevent renewal of the Micro Business Consumer Contract but does not appoint another supplier;
(c) if paragraph 7A.13 does not apply, a copy of the Principal Terms, which would apply if the Customer does not change supplier or does not expressly agree a new Micro Business Consumer Contract or a further fixed-term period of the existing Micro Business Consumer Contract by the date that the current fixed-term period is due to end.
(d) if paragraph 7A.13 applies but the licensee has already prevented the Micro Business Consumer from extending the duration of the Micro Business Consumer Contract for a further fixed-term period, the requirements in paragraph 7A.8(b) shall be replaced with a requirement to provide the Micro Business Consumer with a copy of the Principal Terms which would apply after the current fixed-term period of the Micro Business Consumer Contract ends if the Customer continues to be supplied by the licensee.
(e) a statement displaying the Charges for the Supply of Electricity which apply to the Customer as at the date on which such statement is provided; and
(f) the Customer’s Annual Consumption Details.

7A.9 Where pursuant to paragraphs 7A.4 or 7A.8 the licensee is required to provide a Micro Business Consumer with any relevant Principal Terms:
(a) it must ensure that the Principal Terms are:
(i) set out in Writing; and
(ii) drafted in plain and intelligible language;
(b) if the terms of the Micro Business Consumer Contract provide that the Charges for the Supply of Electricity may vary or fluctuate from time to time, it must provide:
(i) an explanation that the Charges for the Supply of Electricity are subject to change from time to time; and, as applicable, 64 Note: Consolidated conditions are not formal Public Register documents and should not be relied on. Electricity suppliers Licence: Standard Conditions – Consolidated to 30 September 2020
(ii) the precise variations to the Charges for the Supply of Electricity or the method by which the Charges for the Supply of Electricity will fluctuate automatically; or
(iii) where there is no agreed schedule of variations or an agreed fluctuation method in respect of the Charges for the Supply of Electricity, information about how the Micro Business Consumer may obtain the current Charges for the Supply of Electricity from the licensee

7A.10 Where pursuant to paragraph 7A.8(b) the licensee provides a Micro Business Consumer with any offers of terms that relate to Charges for the Supply of Electricity, it must ensure that at least one offer is made in Writing which may be accepted at any time before the Relevant Date.

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