Net Zero – Beyond Procurement

Norway is one of the leading countries taking the leadership role regarding sustainability. Norway introduced the concept of sustainability in the initial years back in 1990. It has implanted this idea in every sector which involves engineering.

The country has designed its transportation facilities, buildings and towns in a manner which will least impact the environment. In following this process, the country is finally heading towards its goal of creating a low-emission society.

Here we will list 5 things Norway does differently, which sets them apart.

Incentivizing Electric Vehicles

The Norwegian government has manipulated the market dynamic and waived all the taxes required to buy an electric vehicle. This initiative meant citizens would choose to buy EVs as they were cheaper.

From the business point of view, the country has presented a miraculous opportunity to the EV manufacturers as they can rake in a handsome profit for their automobiles.

It has significantly helped the country reduce its carbon-dioxide emission level from the atmosphere. In Paris Agreement also, the country’s officials have stated it will take the necessary initiatives to reduce the emission level to 55% by 2030, compared to the emission level in 1990.

Intensive Recycling Process

Norway’s recycling process is considered one of the most effective methods. The country has not engaged with just simply greenwashing its efforts but rather taken steps which are unique and are solving real problems.

People can get free waste boxes for their personal use from the supermarket. One is for plastics and non-biodegradable materials, and the other is for compostable materials.

In all places across Norway, waste bins are separated, and one can see all three bins together. This practice makes them a country producing the minimum amount of waste.

Panting Process

It is one of the most exciting parts of the sustainability policy that any citizen can make money by returning plastic bottles to vending machines. Then in return, it will provide the person with some money.

This reverse vending process makes people conscious of the environment as they are incentivized by not making litter.

Investment in Eco-Friendly Technologies

The country has also invested in specialized materials to help them achieve sustainability goals. It has invested in carbon capture and storage (CCS) facilities which will again make geological formations.

It has incentivized several businesses to capture and repurpose carbon within the soil. They have also consistently invested in renewable sources of energy such as hydroelectricity. Coming to the current situation, the country’s majority of the electricity comes from hydropower plants.

Beyond Procurement is one such organization that helps create a carbon-neutral world. Here, efforts have been made to make businesses reach their net zero goals and can do cost saving across the supply chain.

The awareness for these drives is getting traction as more and more companies are now facing regulatory guidelines to follow sustainable business practices.

From Norway, it can be learned that it’s not a correct practice to go “business as usual” but rather “business with reflection”.

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Sustainable procurement refers to a way of doing business that safeguards the environment for future generations. It’s more than just a trend in the business world. It’s an integral part of any company seeking Net Zero Business Champion status and wants to succeed in the long term.