Eco Friendly Business Practices for Wellness – Beyond Procurement
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Eco Friendly Business Practices for Wellness

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As our understanding of climate change deepens, individuals and businesses seek ways to reduce their carbon footprints. One significant contributor to carbon emissions is the traditional office setup, with its energy-intensive equipment, wasteful practices, and daily commutes. However, there is a growing movement towards eco-friendly office practices that benefit the environment and enhance employees’ wellbeing and productivity.

Working Environment

Energy consumption is one of the primary sources of carbon emissions in an office. To make your office eco-friendlier and a nicer space for staff, consider replacing traditional bulbs with energy-efficient LED lighting, which consumes less energy but also has a longer lifespan. Natural lighting is equally important. Make sure to maximise the natural light available to reduce the need for artificial lighting during the day. Make use of the windows in your space, keeping them open when possible for air and light.

Sustainable practices such as optimising indoor air quality and utilising natural light reduce environmental impact and enhance employee health and productivity. Studies have shown that access to natural light and green spaces can reduce stress levels while boosting mood and cognitive function.


Remote Work

Promoting sustainability often entails encouraging practices like remote work, flexible schedules, and reduced commuting, all of which contribute to better work-life balance. Employees with greater choice over their schedules experience lower stress levels and burnout, leading to improved mental health outcomes.

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us that remote work is possible and can significantly reduce carbon emissions associated with daily commutes. Offering flexible work arrangements can help your office decrease its carbon footprint while giving employees more control over their time.


Sustainable Commuting

For employees who do need to come to the office, promote sustainable commuting options for your staff:

  1. Public Transport: Encourage the use of public transport, which reduces the number of individual vehicles on the road.
  2. Carsharing: Implement car share programmes to reduce the number of cars commuting to the office. This also allows socialising with colleagues, which is critical to overall wellness.
  3. Cycling and Walking: Provide facilities such as bike racks and showers to encourage employees to cycle or walk to work. It is not only good for the environment but also mental and physical health.
  4. Electric Vehicles (EVs): Offer incentives for employees to switch to electric or hybrid vehicles.


Employee Recognition

Employee recognition goes beyond boosting morale; it creates a positive and supportive work environment that directly impacts employee wellness and contributes to the organisation’s overall sustainability. Acknowledging and rewarding employees for their contributions towards your business’s sustainability encourages them to do more. For example, every client working with us at Beyond Procurement receives one of our three badges for each stage of their commitment: Trailblazer, Carbon Neutral, or Net Zero, celebrating them and their business for their hard work against climate change. Employees who feel appreciated are likely to experience lower levels of stress and burnout, promoting overall well-being.


Mindfulness Strategies 

Mindfulness encourages job satisfaction, better decision-making, and improved work-life balance by reducing stress, enhancing focus, and promoting emotional well-being. It is important that all companies promote various stress management techniques, and provide the time and space for each employee to have this time to themselves. Mindfulness also aligns with sustainability by encouraging individuals to be more conscious of their actions and their impact on the environment. This heightened awareness can lead to more sustainable choices at work and in personal life.


By prioritising employee health and wellness, organisations can cultivate a culture of wellbeing that extends beyond the workplace. Additionally, involvement in community sustainability projects provides employees with a sense of purpose and fulfilment, enhancing overall life satisfaction. By implementing these strategies, your office can contribute properly to the fight against climate change while creating a more sustainable and enjoyable work environment for your employees.


Contact Beyond Procurement to find out how we can help you accomplish these steps towards making your staff and the planet happier.