Environmental Management Policy – Beyond Procurement

Environmental Management Policy

Environmental Statement

  • Beyond Procurement Ltd understands that its operations inevitably impact on the environment in a number of ways.
  • Through the generation of waste and the use of energy for heating, lighting and transport.
  • Through a commitment to reduce our environmental impact, Meercat’s aim is to ensure that our business operation is performed in such a way as to have minimum impact on the environment.
  • Beyond Procurement believes that this commitment can best be delivered through the following policy objectives.
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Strategy Objectives

  • Ensuring that Meercat Associates’ legal duties, statutory obligations, internal policies and procedures are clear, communicated and complied with at all times
  • Analysing carbon emissions annually and follow the ZERO business model.
  • Reducing our consumption of resources and improving efficiency in the use of these resources
  • Managing waste generated from our operations, using the circular economy principles
  • Creating an environment which encourages staff to identify and participate in sustainability initiatives
  • Providing staff with sufficient training, instruction, information and supervision to develop and encourage environmental awareness
  • Setting measurable targets to assist with Meercat’s goal of continuously reducing it’s carbon emissions.

Compliance legislation and best practice

Make sure we do adhere to relevant legislation/supply chain needs. These may vary dependent on our location and the markets that we serve. We support businesses with compliance to a range of schemes, such as Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR), Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) and CDPs as well as ISO and OHSAS standards.

Keep up to date on law and best practice. Contact us to subscribe to our newsletters for regular updates. We have completed our carbon footprint calculation and have begun our carbon management journey. In doing so we are differentiating our business whilst doing our bit to combat climate change.

Beyond Procurement is proud to assist companies along this journey to help reduce the impact on the environment and ensure high business standards.

If you have comments or any questions about our Environmental Management Policy, please contact a.childers@beyondprocurement.azurewebsites.net

Get started on your net zero journey today

From start-ups to large publicly traded companies, we work with managers and directors to help them achieve their carbon reduction goals with services to match your business journey.

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