Showman – Beyond Procurement

Unlocking a Sustainable Future for the Showman Industry

At Beyond Procurement, we understand the intricate balance between tradition and innovation. That’s why we’ve dedicated ourselves to supporting the iconic showman industry in its green transition, ensuring that the magic of the fairgrounds shines brighter than ever before.

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Tradition Meets Transformation: Powering the Showman Industry's Green Evolution

The nostalgic allure of the showman industry deserves a future as vibrant as its past. With Beyond Procurement by your side, you can confidently embrace a sustainable future, ensuring that fairgrounds enchant generations to come.

Changing environmental legislation, the requirement for carbon reduction policies and the request for events to be carbon managed can be confusing and overwhelming. We understand what is needed, we know how to help.

Reach out today and discover how Beyond Procurement can elevate your journey toward a greener, brighter and more successful future.

Expertise in Council & Local Authority Navigation

Are you getting caught up and confused by complex bureaucracy? If so, we are here to simplify and support. Our team is well-versed in liaising with councils and local authorities, ensuring that your operations and events stay in line with environmental and carbon reduction policies and requirements.

Environmental Documentation & Compliance

We simplify the paperwork maze for you. From environmental policies to green certifications, we manage and streamline all necessary documentation, letting you focus on delivering memorable experiences.

Business and Events Carbon Measurement

For the past 16 years Beyond Procurement have been working with businesses to reduce their carbon footprints and reducing their costs. Our specialist team are here to support you every step of the way on your journey to becoming a leaner, greener businesses.

Tender writing

Many tenders require evidence of a business carbon reduction plan and an event carbon management plan. The team at Beyond Procurement are specialists in compiling robust plans and support businesses on their tender application. We are here to remove the risk of non compliance and turn this into the opportunity to increase your winning success rate.

Cost Reduction

Reducing carbon can result in the reduction of costs. We will support every business in finding cost saving opportunities. In addition we have built up a framework of suppliers and the buying power across tens of thousands of businesses to enable us to provide the very best market rates across a range of key commodities. Every business working with Beyond Procurement is provided with a cost savings opportunities report.

Award Winning Procurement Consultancy

Everything we do is centred around reducing cost and carbon from your business and have been awarded the Green Apple Award, Green Ambassador Award and the Sussex Business Award for the various zero to landfill schemes.

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Insights & Guides

Articles, news and events to further guide you on your business journey.

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Get started on your net zero journey today

From start-ups to large publicly traded companies, we work with managers and directors to help them achieve their carbon reduction goals with services to match your business journey.

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